Belle E. Buttons - Great Toys for Great Kids

The Bridge Community Church podcast

    Friday, March 31, 2006


    A Boy's Heart


    Saturday, March 25, 2006


    Music Video at the End of My Street

    Luke Renner filmed scenes for The Elms' "Nothin' to do with Love" video at the end of my street Saturday night.

    They blew up a building. And where was I? At a homeschool convention.

    Read an article about it here

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    Friday, March 24, 2006


    Unfortunate Name: Melinda Boring

    Thinking aloud, here. Seems like a tough gig to be a public speaker with a name like Melinda Boring.


    Friday, March 17, 2006


    Dad called me at work to ask name of the Indianapolis newspaper so he could find it on the Internet.

    I love my Dad.

    Saturday, March 11, 2006


    Finally Warm Enough for Biking!


    Friday, March 10, 2006


    Some Misunderstanding about Indians

    Soun Tetoken book coverWe finished Ken Thomasma's Soun Tetoken, Nez Perce Boy. Two sad endings in one day is too much.

    Ezra was unphased. "I want to be an Indian."

    He said at this year's Pow Wow he will ask to go live with one of the Native American families. "I have one arrow already, and I could save up to get more."

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    "Knowing morning follows evening makes each new day come as a gift."

    Good night, Chad.

    I barely knew you, and after all the years of chiding, you never even got to see my real blog.

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006


    Irresistable Library Books I Will Probably Never Read