Belle E. Buttons - Great Toys for Great Kids

The Bridge Community Church podcast

    Friday, March 31, 2006


    A Boy's Heart



    Anonymous lonnie said...

    is that a nardoni original?

    4/02/2006 5:15 PM  
    Anonymous kimcart said...

    I would like to offer to buy your son. Aside from having a tax break for caring for him, we would no doubt have years of great entertainment ahead. You name the price.

    4/07/2006 11:03 AM  
    Blogger timNardoni said...

    Hmm..."Name your price" is pretty compelling. I'll have to decline, though, because he is finally old enough to help wash and put away dishes. Also, today, he had toast and jam and morning music on for Sandra when she came downstairs. Things are starting to pay off, if you know what I mean.

    But do not despair: Ezra *is* available for parties, short vacations, and other negotiable appearances.

    I'll expedite a pricing schedule as soon as they arrive from the printer.

    4/13/2006 9:54 AM  
    Anonymous Sandra said...

    Umm...Do I get a say in this? Although, Kim, I am flattered that you want to buy our son.

    4/13/2006 9:27 PM  

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