Friday, November 17, 2006

More adoption news

Okay, two two year old girls later... We actually interviewed for a two year old girl (our first real interview and not the child mentioned in a previous blog) three weeks ago. We did not get her but the adoption coordinator said she couldn't stop thinking about two kids she thought would be a good match for us. After our interview she sent our homestudy to the caseworker in charge of the adoption of two kids, a boy and girl sibling set, ages barely 5 and not yet 6 (yes, they are 10 months apart). Turns out, we had inquired about them months ago before we had a homestudy and we assumed they had already been placed. Apparently, their caseworker has been really bogged down and has not acted on choosing a family for them for one year! That's right, she started looking at homestudies the day she got ours. To make a long story short, I have spent hours on the phone with the foster mom who says she and her whole church have been praying for a Christian home for these kids since they got them in their home over two years ago. She came right out and asked me if we're Christians! Awesome! There is only one other family being interviewed by the SNAP team and we have a feeling that these are going to be our kids. Even Tim is excited and those of you who know him know that he doesn't get excited until everything is certain but it seems in this case, he can't help himself! So those of you who actually read my blog, please pray for us on the 20th and I'll keep you posted! (I can't wait to show you pictures! They are so cute!)


At 7:51 AM, Blogger Setrn said...

will be praying Sandra


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