Monday, August 28, 2006

Gettin' kids

Two fantastic things have happened this weekend that I wanted to tell everyone. First, we may have the opportunity to adopt a two year old girl whose parents' rights have already been terminated. This means she is already adoptable and the process should go pretty quickly if we are the chosen family. For privacy reasons I can't give details but we think we have a pretty good chance at getting this little girl so please pray for us! She is a sweetie and it would be awesome to have the priveledge of being her new family.

Secondly, we are officially licensed foster parents. We got notification today that our license went into effect August 21st. As you all know, we want lots of kids so this is exciting! Even more so if we do get to adopt the first child we take into our home. That would make it a lot easier for Ezra especially...

Please be praying for us as we begin the big wait following turning in our homestudy to apply for the two year old girl. We're excited and a little nervous!

Bye for now!


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