Wednesday, June 14, 2006

The Desire of my Heart

We are so close to being licenced to foster/adopt and it seems a little surreal. We all have this sort of expectant feeling about us, kinda like when someone is pregnant but different too. Tonight I read Ezra a story called Granny Han's Breakfast, about a missionary who prays to have some tremendous needs met after someone robs her of her entire budget for four months. The story is true, based on the experiences of a missionary in Taiwan several years ago. God provides not only her needs but extras like coffee and chocolate! After reading the story I felt so convicted because every time Ezra has prayed for a baby sister I have patiently explained to him that anything could happen, but babies are hard to come by in the foster system and he shouldn't get his hopes up. After reading this book I realized that God can do whatever he wants to and he longs to give us the desires of our hearts. Ezra and I prayed tonight for a baby girl and I confessed my lack of faith to him. I still don't know the details or the timing, and we may lose many sleepless nights for babies we cannot keep, but I feel that God has shown me something important tonight through the faith of a child and I will no longer be a squelcher of prayers!


At 9:31 AM, Anonymous Charity said...

I'm thrilled that you are coming so close to the fulfillment of this process...(thrilled and jealous!)

Love you guys and miss you tons!

Can't wait to meet the new baby that will be so blessed to have you three to love!


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