Sunday, April 23, 2006

School at Home

Tim and I decided last year after trying the working mom thing that the stress wasn't worth it. Even though I was with Ezra at school and we came home together, there just wasn't enough of me to go around. Ultimately, Ezra's well-being is more important than a career or a paycheck so we decided to homeschool. I gotta tell you, this year has been one of the most rewarding of my life. The closeness I have experienced with Ezra simply could not have happened had he gone to school this year. He has become a more content child in the process. Fortunately, many of his best friends were homeschooled too and the ones who aren't live within blocks of our home so he has enjoyed the best of both worlds. I have seen him grow spiritually as well and was surprized in January when he asked if he could get baptized and this time he actually knew what that meant! (The last time he asked about this he said he thought it would be a great idea because he had learned how to go underwater.) Homeschooling has given our whole family a foundation we would have missed out on even if he had gone to a Christian school and I'm so glad God led us in that direction!


At 11:28 PM, Blogger Charity said...

Wow...our lives do seem to be running in the same direction!

We are just about to finish our first year of homeschooling but my husband is taking an administration position at a Christian school here so we will head back to the classroom! YUCK!

We also just began to pray about adoption after we lost a baby in November. I will pray that God will bless your walk towards this very visible expression of the Gospel!

We miss you guys! Hope we can see you when we come next!


At 11:02 AM, Blogger Setrn said...

Sandra, We just finished our first year homeschooling also! I was so scared, but it was wonderful! I really feel like I know my girls so much better now.


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