Friday, April 28, 2006

Homestudy Part 1

Well, last night he came. The man who will decide our fate in the adoption world. It was so much less painful than I thought it would be and we got the caseworker who had come to some of the trainings so we already knew him and I already felt he was gonna be a pretty nice guy. Mostly we filled out paperwork and our caseworker talked with us briefly about our expectations (what kind of kid we wanted to take in). All this was done at the dining room table around a fresh batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies. In my nervousness I gave in to my carnal self and ate too many, of course! The next meeting is in one week and he says he's going to try to finish up with us that night. That night he'll be truly interviewing us and I suppose that will be the time that will make it or break it. If you want to pray for us you can--pray that I won't say anything stupid and that Tim will somehow find the time to finish his paperwork in spite of huge stuff at work and writing his enormous project to finish his degree.

Mostly after this experience I am feeling great relief. This means we're in the final stretch of what has turned out to be a long wait and has been a road full of unexpected twists and turns. Who would have thought a year ago that we would be finishing up to become adoptive foster parents? God always has so much more in mind for us than we ever think of.


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